1. Visit the UT catalogue pages: http://home.btconnect.com/ultimathule/UT-catalog-hello.html
2. Copy the text of items you wish to order to your computer notepad or direct to email and compile your order. In the email: either request a PayPal invoice, include your Credit/Debit card details* or ask for the total to pay by UK bank cheque
3. Send the email
* recorded/signed-for delivery is required for new customers paying by
card. You can split card details into multiple emails or phone-in on
0116 2702354
Use utle1uk@btconnect.com email for cheque/card payments
Use utle2uk@btconnect.com email for PayPal invoice requests
Use utle1uk@btconnect.com email for cheque/card payments
Use utle2uk@btconnect.com email for PayPal invoice requests