05 January, 2024

Message from an Audion reader

 Hello Alan and Steve – Scott Cleveland here near Philadelphia PA. I was subscriber to Audion for many years, bought my Crack in the Cosmic Egg Book when it came it around 1998? Am a fan of a lot of the music you cover. I had all but written you guys off when Audion sort of dropped off, and talk of the new book on Italian Artists seemed so so long incoming and I thought it just fizzled. I recall a change of address of you store, and thought well another nail in the coffin. Glad to say I was 100% wrong though. When I heard Fist Full of Spaghetti was really coming out, I was on the fence on whether to buy it – thinking how much good unknown to me music could still be out there – Gotta say glad I bought it, and having a great time listening to all this old/new music. Great job on book, I feel like I know the format of how you catalog and describe things already so was able to dive right in. I bought it from Bandcamp along with the three Audions in hard copies – Gotta say I REALLY love the physical format of these printed versions – kinda hard paper cover, great color and printing – very sturdy I might say – will hold up very well overtime. If you are wondering if the readers like this type of hard copy edition – Well I am a big fan. I would love to see more printed old/new like this – I understand the PDF thing – I bought one issue in PDF and printed out and put in a binder – just not the same.

Anyway Thanks and keep up great work…
